God Rewards Steadfastness

Copy of But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. (Galatians 6_14 NKJV)

Revelations And Messages 10

The Lord spoke to me this morning and said, “I reward steadfastness.” He was talking about steadfastness especially steadfastness in prayer. If we can persistently pray, knock and seek His face, He will reward us. Sometimes discouragement sets in especially when we have been praying for a long time and seeking His face and nothing happens or seems to be happening. A lot people just sigh, shrug their shoulders and give up.

The Lord is encouraging us to keep praying and fighting no matter what. We must keep trusting and never loose faith. He rewards steadfastness in prayer so we need to persist and persevere until we see His face and experience His mercy, grace and glory.



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Overlook That Speck

over expectation kills relationships

And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? (Matthew 7:3 NKJV)

Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me remove the speck from your eye’; and look, a plank is in your own eye? “Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye (Matthew 7:4 – 7:5 NKJV)

The Scripture admonishes us against looking at speck in other peoples lives. We must learn how to mind our own business, control our tongues and stop all forms of negative communication – criticisms, backbiting and gossiping. They stain our garments and aura.

Stop looking at imperfections, weaknesses, flaws, faults and sins in other peoples lives. Judge and criticize yourself. The Bible says that if we judge ourselves we will not be judged by the Lord. There is only one judge and lawgiver – God. Instead of being negative and always criticizing, encourage and be positive towards others. You want to make others perfect and you expect perfection from them, yet you are not perfect.

I have come across people who constantly look at faults and flaws in others. It is as if they are incapable of seeing anything else but flaws. They are always sad and constantly fight because all they see is the negative. They are very sensitive and all they do is complain, and grumble about others. Such people keep everyone around them unhappy with their negative attitude. They seem oblivious of one fact themselves – that they are also not perfect. That is a very unbalanced and unhealthy way to live – positivity can be learned.

Over expectation kills relationships – love people the way they are. Everybody will not be mature in one day and a lot of people will never be spiritually mature here on earth -that is the uncomfortable and bitter truth.

Nobody wants to be around a negative critical person so it is better for us to focus on ourselves and judge ourselves instead of being negative towards others.

God loves us with our weaknesses so we must also love others with their weaknesses. Love must be unconditional – we must not expect people to be perfect before we can love them or love them completely. May God help us, empower us and enable us to understand peoples weakness and accept them with love and compassion.




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He Can Appear In Form Of Cloud

The Spirit Of The Lord

32: He can appear in form of cloud

Then the Lord came down in the cloud and spoke to him. He took some of the spirit he had given to Moses and gave it to the seventy leaders. When the spirit came on them, they began to shout like prophets, but not for long. Numbers 11:25

During the day the Lord went in front of them in a pillar of cloud to show them the way, and during the night he went in front of them in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel night and day. Exodus 13:21

As Aaron spoke to the whole community, they turned toward the desert, and suddenly the dazzling light of the Lord appeared in a cloud. Exodus 16:10

After Moses had gone in, the pillar of cloudwould come down and stay at the door of the Tent, and the Lord would speak to Moses from the cloud. Exodus 33:9

Several times in the Bible, the Spirit of the Lord appeared in the form of cloud. When God was appearing to Moses and leading the Israelites, He appeared as cloud, light and fire. If anyone wants to paint God or mold Him like an idol, they definitely won’t know what face to use. This is because God transcends form and appearance. He is a spirit and it is His attributes and personality that distinguish Him.

His personality and Character is all that matters and we are told that He is love. Painting, drawing and molding an image of God is really silly because you cannot draw and mold love, mercy, wisdom and other spiritual attributes. They are purely spiritual qualities that manifest in lives and character.

We get to see even the most educated and supposedly wise ones bowing to lifeless images instead of living in love, wisdom and pursing truth and selfless love. That very act is an evidence that they worship death and the grave. What they bow to is dead and lifeless but when you embrace Christ and His love, you are alive.

May God give us more wisdom to truly know Him the way He is, in Spirit and truth.

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He Makes Men Solve Problems

The Spirit Of The Lord

26: He makes men solve problems

But I have heard that you can give interpretations and solve problems. Now if you can read the writing and make known to me its interpretation, you shall be clothed with purple and have a chain of gold around your neck and shall be the third ruler in the kingdom. ” (Daniel 5:16 ESV)

O king, live forever! Let not your thoughts alarm you or your color change. There is a man in your kingdom in whom is the spirit of the holy gods (Daniel 5:10 – 5:11 ESV)

The Holy Spirit is a problem solver and He makes men solve problems. Jesus was constantly solving problems when He was on earth and He is still solving problems by His Holy Spirit. When He was on earth He said He was only imitating His father and doing what He saw His father, doing.

The Holy Spirit was with Daniel and enabled Him to solve problems. The Spirit of the Holy gods is the Holy Spirit. He is the only Holy one and God because He has life in Himself and does not depend on human flesh and blood to solve problems like idols.

He is the only God that does not use sacrifices to bless. He blesses from the capacity that comes from with Him as the life giver and creator. That is why He solves problems and makes men solve problems. Idols are dead and do not have life so they solve problems by deception. They use trade by barter, magic, tricks, bribes and sacrifices to solve problems.

Daniel was able to interpret the handwriting on the wall because the Holy Spirit was with Him and gave Him that special ability. He effortlessly solved the Kings problem by the power of the Holy Spirit. The prophets, Jesus and the apostles were also empowered to solve problems by the Spirit Of God.

The Holy Spirit makes men solve problems and He is still effective in the world if only we can recognize His power and give Him a chance. If we abide in Him, desire Him and wait upon Him, He will definitely give us wisdom and special gifts and make us problems solvers to our generation.

Blessed be the name of the Lord. Come Holy Spirit. Amen.

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At The Junction Of Light

At the junction of light

I met my beloved

There we held hands

And embraced

His eyes sparkled of light

And His skin was gold

I held His right hand

And gazed at the golden skin

In awe and wonder


He smelt of honey

Love, joy, peace

And fruitfulness

I picked a purple fruit

From His chest

And ate



He watched as I ate

Smiling tenderly

With eyes full

Of love and mercy


My belly was filled

With joy from the holy fruit

As I burst and spoke in

The heavenly language

I could feel the river

Flowing from my innermost being

And heard myself call Him

Sweet, holy and tender names

My heart was filled with love

For my golden prince.


Then He laughed in delight as He said,


You have tasted my joy

Joy will be your companion

And best friend

You will never again know sorrow

Like you knew it

In the past

Rejoice in me

My beloved


My name is joy.”

Then a golden cloud covered Him

And He disappeared.


May grace, peace

Mercy, love and joy

Be ours in full measure.

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My Song

You are my song

My life

And my inspiration


You are the reason

That I smile

Laugh and rejoice


For you I will



And be glad


You died in my place

And set me free


Glorious prince


Fill me with your

Healing love


Your love is

Better than life


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I Don’t Care

Revelations, Visions and Messages 3

3. Lord, I am sorry I was angry today

For us to become mature Christians, we must get to the place of “I don’t care.” I don’t care will save you from bitterness, anger and revenge. I remember a long time ago,  a boy I knew so well, who was just four years old was being persuaded to fight back nastily against a female bully in his class.

This four year old boy gave so many reasons why he would not do so. He said he would get into trouble with his teacher, but he was still being persuaded to treat his bully the way his bully was treating him – Nasty. Finally, he screamed, I don’t care, I don’t care, it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter! I marvelled at this boys angelic nature.

This boy had super confidence and he was not going to change his nature because of a naughty four year old bully. Does it really matter? It does not matter and it does not matter who is right or wrong – we must stop anger, bitterness, ill-will, revenge and all manner of fighting.

Some people might ask if I am encouraging people to remain silent when bulled. No, I am not . I am simply saying that fighting back tit for tat and fighting dirty and competing with the super bully on who is the “bulliest” and “baddest.” is wrong and encourages revenge and ill-will. By the way I know that there is no word like bulliest and baddest. I am using the word baddest as a slang.

That boy is grown up now and he is a confident boy. That episode of bullying never changed him into a victim.

The key is to teach children and adults the importance of confidence and conflict resolution. Emotional intelligence is a great key to happiness and peace. They must also be taught interpersonal and coping skills. That way, they will not be traumatised. Children must also be encouraged to report bullies because some children are super sensitive and find it difficult to cope.

This post is not about bullying. I told a story to illustrate and emphasise a point. The point is we must try not to care too much about other people’s words and opinions when we do not have power as humans to control or change their behaviours and opinions.

When we care too much we loose power to the nasty. We must look inwards and up to God to be able to cope and react rationally to nastiness.

We must get to a place of complete resilience and mental toughness. I hope I don’t sound like I am boasting, but recently, I have noticed that I am never bothered by what people say to me, say about me, and do to me. I simply don’t care and I say it that I don’t care. I can’t be bothered. I even go out of my way to be nice to people who are nasty to me and I just don’t feel angry at them. I don’t care. However, I make sure I am not intimate with them.

The Lord taught me about the secret and principle of not being intimate with enemies or people who hate me or cause me to sin. I am not saying you should be sleeping with the enemy or wining, dining and dancing with the enemy – that does not fall under not caring, it is silliness. Jesus was never intimate with His enemies and the only enemy He was intimate with betrayed Him and sold Him and that led to His death. However, it had to happen so that the Scriptures would be fulfilled.

I am surprised that I am this way however, it is not by my own power. I spend hours everyday in the presence of God, so God is doing His work in me. He is the one that is sanctifying and purifying me. I just know that I don’t care about a lot of things that people cry and fight over.

Sometime ago, someone made me angry and I went to bed angry. The Lord took me in a trance to the first heaven to covert a human being who belongs to that kingdom in order to make her an Evangelist. I led her into the sinners prayer and I am waiting for her to repent. Everyone I have prayed for in visions, dreams and trances always became true believers.

As we were ascending up into the first heaven to enter into that kingdom, the first thing I said was, “Lord I am sorry I was angry today.” My anger had become a gap in our relationship and my Spirit apologised to the Lord before we could continue with the mission. When I came out of the trance I realised that when Paul advised us never to go to bed angry he was not joking. I realised that if we die with anger in our hearts, it is not good. God wants spotless purity and it is possible. He wants us to constantly put on our white garments. I am not perfect but I have realised that spending time in God’s presence helps to activate His cleansing, sanctifying presence.

May we all get to high levels of mental toughness and emotional intelligence and not care about irrelevant things. May God give us the grace to overlook insults and offences because our offenders are human and we too are human and not perfect.

Fools show their annoyance at once, but the prudent overlook an insult. Proverbs 12:16 NIV

When a fool is annoyed, he quickly lets it be known. Smart people will ignore an insult. Proverbs 12:16 Good news bible

A fool is quick-tempered, but a wise person stays calm when insulted. Proverbs 12:16New Living Translation

A fool’s displeasure is known at once, but whoever ignores an insult is sensible. Proverbs 12:16 Holman Christian Translation


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A Different Man

The Spirit Of The Lord

10. He Makes Men Different

Suddenly the spirit of the Lord will take control of you, and you will join in their religious dancing and shouting and will become a different person. 1 Samuel 10:6

The Spirit Of The Lord makes men different from their natural selves. He makes men live supernatural lives. When the Spirit of the Lord came upon Saul, He was turned into a different person. He was given supernatural gifts that enabled him to live above the normal human life.

If we study the lives of the prophets, Jesus and the Apostles especially Paul and John, we will understand clearly that they were different after they encountered the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit came upon them, they obtained the gifts of the Holy Spirit. These gifts made them different men and they ministered in supernatural ways. They were able to become different from other men in ability and wisdom.

They were gifted with supernatural wisdom and ability. Elijah called down fire, healed and raised the dead. Moses decreed God’s decree on the Egyptians and plagues tormented Egypt. Noah heard from God and built and ark, Joseph interpreted dreams, Daniel interpreted dreams and was not eaten up by Lions when he was thrown into a den of Lions.

And Pharaoh said to his servants, “Can we find a man like this, in whom is the Spirit of God?“ (Genesis 41:38 ESV)

Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Since God has shown you all this, there is none so discerning and wise as you are (Genesis 41:39 ESV)

God wants us as believers to be different especially His Ministers. We are to be the salt of the earth, giving flavor and joy to this earth. We can only do this when the Holy Spirit is upon us and with us. Without Him, we will be mediocre individuals instead of different individuals.

May the Holy Spirit fill us, come upon us and be with us so that we can manifest the light of Christ to the world. May Christ always shine through us in Jesus name.

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He Leads


The Spirit Of The Lord

9. He Leads

Those who are led by God’s Spirit are God’s children. Romans 8:14

For us to be led by the Spirit of God means we always have to follow the word of God, His voice and direction. We see Him as our Lord, head, leader master, director and controller. If we do not put Him first in everything we do, it means we are not being led by Him. He should always be in front and we must always be behind following Him and His footsteps. If He turns right we turn right not left. To be able to do this, we must hear His voice and let Him direct us in all our ways and paths.

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. Psalm 37:23

Divine direction and counsel should be active in our lives apart from following the written word of God. It is those who are led by the Spirit of God that know their callings in life and follow God’s plans for their lives. If we are deaf to His voice and leading, we won’t know which way to go. We will be so blind and we will keep shifting according to the wind and copying others.

Some people are in ministries they should not be in. Some people are in jobs and countries that they should not be in and some people are in marriages that are outside God’s plan for their lives. They are not led and encounter all sorts of frustrations because they are led by their own flesh,desires, dreams and ambitions, Some people are even led by defeat and laziness, they go into activities, jobs and vocations that seem to be the easiest.

A vocation that seems easy to one man might seam difficult to another man. And a vocation that seems difficult to one man might seem easy to another man. Every Job and vocation is good provided it adds value to man and society. However, do not go into a job or vacation because it seems to be the easiest. Find out God’s plan for your life and follow it.

Every man born into this world has God given vocations, callings and talents. We are at our best when we are in the vocation that was assigned to us by God. Because we have our own will, we can get into activities and vocations that we have no business being in. This leads to struggles and frustrations.

When we live according to the leading of the Holy Spirit in God’s plan and vocations, a higher level of grace will be available. When we are in God’s plan for our lives, we must also pray for all grace to be available and to complete our own individual race or assignment regardless of what it is – teacher, doctor, preacher, scientist etc. Paul even knew when his assignment was coming to an end. That is the height of being led by the Holy Spirit.

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 2 Timothy 4:7

My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work. John 4:34

I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardships are facing me. However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace. Acts 20: 23-24

Being led by the Holy Spirit makes life sweet and easy. It is the secret of success and many have tapped into this vast ocean of grace. May we recognise that the Holy Spirit is our leader and allow Him to lead us daily. I can firmly guarantee that if you let Him lead you, He will take you into the doorstep of success, peace and joy. May we all finish our individual races and fulfil our destinies in Jesus name.

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Face To Face

Face to face

Inside your grace

I taste love and mercy.


Face to face

I swim in silver rivers

And diamond lakes.

I dance on Holy Mountains.


Face to face,

We have Holy conversations,

Heartfelt and deep,

Touching and loving,

Intimate and uplifting.


Face to face,

All I see is glory and love,

Purity and truth,

Consolation and confort.


Face to face,

You hold me close

And never let go,

Because our hearts beat as one.

In wonder,

I swim in your love,

And drink from your side,

As mutters of ‘Daddy’ rise from deep in my throat,

To my trembling lips.



Nothing compares to this place,

Where I can see you face to face.

I adore you and love you,

With every beat of my heart,

And every breath I take.

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