Full Measure of Grace, Mercy And Peace

May mercy, peace, and love be yours in full measure. Jude 1_2 Good News Translation.png

May mercy, peace, and love be yours in full measure. Jude 1:2 Good News Translation

May God give you more and more mercy, peace, and love. Jude 1:2 New Living Translation

May grace and peace be yours in full measure through your knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. 2 Peter 1:2

Those who are saying “we have everything we need, we don’t need anything else because Jesus died for us “ repent. Jesus redeemed us and saved us so that we can be wise and grow. He did not die for us to be spiritually foolish, lazy and idle. Do we really want to be the foolish virgins who refuse to put oil in their lamps? The Holy Spirit is our helper and we need Him.

Jesus is the high priest that meets our needs. We have spiritual needs and we need to approach the throne of grace to receive grace and help in time of need. God will supply our needs according to His riches in glory but we need to acknowledge our needs and our need for God.

You say, ‘I am rich and well off; I have all I need.’ But you do not know how miserable and pitiful you are! You are poor, naked, and blind. Revelation 3:17

Those who refuse to seek God’s face and wait upon Him for full measure of grace are not acting wisely. The oil in the parable of the wise and foolish virgins symbolizes the Holy Spirit and the lamp symbolizes our spirits that are temples of the Holy Spirit. When our spirits are filled with the Holy Spirit who is like our spiritual oil and water (presence) we become one of the wise virgins that waited upon the Lord. Oil and water symbolize spiritual presence.

May our lamps be filled to overflowing with oil. May our lights never dim or flicker out.



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  • The Eclectic Contrarian


  • Jon

    I pray more will recognize the barrenness of not knowing Jesus in all fullness. Thank you putting the message out there. Those who are missing it don’t know they are missing it because they see so few demonstrations.

    • laurabon

      Thank you so much for the inspiring contribution. Yes, they do not know they are missing it because they see very little demonstrations. May God open our eyes to know Him and experience the fullness of His grace. Blessings 🙏

  • Pingback: Full Measure of Grace, Mercy And Peace | Tonya LaLonde

  • In the past as a catholic myself and now as I see other catholic friends and family, I am saddened by the fact that catholics “believe” if they go to mass and confession and receive the sacraments they “have everything they need”…they do not seek the One true God. They think they have all they need in a piece of bread or a string of beads. And it does no good to try to tell them they are wrong, they only become defensive. I’ve stopped having those conversations with my family. Instead I am trying to just share the word of God whenever I can. I do better with writing than I do with speaking to them…I get so utterly frustrated! Unfortunately, I am not representing my Savior well when that frustration sets in, so maybe it’s better to keep quiet. ??? I’m really praying about this.

    • laurabon

      You are so correct, they believe they have everything they need and the bread itself is Jesus Christ, so they kneel down and worship it. I also have Catholic friends and family and it’s true – they won’t listen and they get defensive.

      I was also like that until the Lord visited me and saved me. What they truly need is prayers and God’s grace. I do not say anything to them again because they are hostile to the gospel. I only pray for them so that God’s grace will overpower them and save them. Blessings 🙏❤️

    • One thing I have found in dealing with Catholics is that they are not adverse to reading the word of God. It is when we come at them with the idea of ‘our faith is correct – yours is not’ that they will shut themselves off to whatever is being said. But if they read the word of God, then God will change their hearts! I’ve seen this happen many times, but I first had to get rid of the judgemental attitude I had against Catholicism. It is an interesting thing that will happen when we appear at the gates of heaven: we won’t be asked what denomination we were in!

      • Thank you so much for that reminder. I’m sure I have sounded judgmental…that’s why I usually try to just keep quiet…because once I start talking my tongue gets me into lots of trouble and I’m not representing my Savior well when that happens despite my desire to. (((ugh!)))

  • Like the explanation of the virgins and the oil lamps. Hadn’t considered it that way before. Why it’s so great to interact with other Christians, as we all bring different insights to the same texts.

    • laurabon

      Thank you so much for the inspiring and encouraging response. Yes, we all bring different insights to the same texts. May grace, mercy and peace be upon us in full measure as we wait upon the Lord. Blessings 🙏❤️

  • mistimaan

    Good post

  • That is so true!

  • Amen!!! Yes may we be ready and filled with oil like the wise virgins and wait upon the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! <3
    Beautiful and spirit filled post! Much love!!!

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