Marriage and Destiny

brown field and blue sky

Marriage is about destiny – partnership to fulfill destiny. It is possible to marry someone that will hinder ur destiny because you are not aligned to each other spiritually.

Do not allow lust, passion and emotion to decide who u will marry. Let the Spirit, and your intelligence rule you and lead you into marriage.

Walk in the Spirit and u will not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

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Don’t Look Back At The world – The Story Of Amanda

Message about not looking at the world and living in purity as a single Christian female waiting upon the Lord for her husband {Boaz}

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Build Healthy Relationships

cheerful multiracial family having fun in bed during weekend

Messages And Revelations From Christ – 1

Don’t build toxic relationships. A relationship that you cannot express yourself in, is a toxic relationship.

A healthy relationship will allow you to express your hurts, disappointments, and expectations. If you are upset, the other person allows you to express yourself without counterattack or shutting off with anger, verbal assaults or silence. You should also allow the other person to express his or her hurts without negative reactions. You cannot dictate to someone how to feel especially if the person is hurt and something triggered it.

A healthy relationship will allow you to talk through problems and work things out. Any relationship that does not allow you to talk through problems and creatively resolve conflicts is a toxic relationship.

A relationship where the offender refuses dialogue, and conditions for peace to be negotiated and met, is a toxic relationship.

Biblical Example and Case Study
Matthew 18: 15

15 “Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother. 16 But if he will not hear, take with you one or two more, that ‘by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.’ 17 And if he refuses to hear them, tell it to the church. But if he refuses even to hear the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector.

1. An aggressor must be willing to change and embrace peace. If not, he has failed the conditions for peace.

Hagar and Sarah

The Angel of the Lord appeared Hagar and commanded her to go and submit to her mistress. Hagar had introduced toxicity into the relationship and there was simply no need for that. Sarah dealt harshly with her and fled fled Sarah’s presence. When she left the relationship died but God intervened, and she changed her ways and conditions for peace was met.

An aggressor must change for peace to reign. There was no way that Sarah was supposed to put up with abuse and die of heart ache just to please Sarah or for peace to reign. It was not a case of Sarah please forgive Hagar, it was a case of Hagar please repent, behave yourself and give peace a chance.

If you are a Hagar, bringing unnecessary toxicity into a good relationship, please stop. Repent and give peace a chance.

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Express Your Love

A good relationship should offer companionship, affection, and emotional support. Learn how to be a good companion and be affectionate. Also, offer emotional support to people that are close to you.

Always express your love to the one you love. Learn how to say, “I love you.”

Be a good communicator and communicate love in words and action. Do not allow any cracks in your relationship because of emotional immaturity and poor communication skills. Cherish the one you love.

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Refreshing Love


Your name is sweet

Your love is refreshing

Your breath is life

I bow before your throne

In adoration and worship

I love you

Never forget the love of God. It is His love that delivers you. It is His love that made Him sacrifice His only son for your salvation. Love is all that matters in life and God’s love is greater than every other love. Rejoice in His love, revel in His love, celebrate His love and thank Him for His love.

Make it your aim to experience more and more of God’s love everyday, because His love is His presence, glory and power!

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Walk With God

You are not a spiritual orphan. You are not spiritually helpless. You have the Holy Spirit, so learn how to partner with Him, walk with Him and experience His presence.

God wants you to go deeper with Him. He wants constant fellowship with you and He wants you to know Him more. If you draw closer to God, God will draw closer to you.

May God fill you will His love and grace, in Jesus name.

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Position Yourself

When walking with God, you need to concentrate on positioning yourself for victory and success instead of focusing on the enemy or your problem. The truth is that the battle is the Lord’s. He is the one that will fight for you so all you need to do is position yourself in prayer, praise, faith, thanksgiving prayer and persevere.

Do not fear or be dismayed and do not be anxious but present your petition to God with thanksgiving not worry and fear. Rejoice in the Lord and simply cast your cares and burdens on God who cares for you.

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Walk Right With God

It is so very vital and important for us to always walk right with God. There are so many benefits and rewards attached to walking right with God and pleasing God. Even though we should walk right with God because we love Him not because of benefits, however. God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him,

When you walk right with God, you will

1. Be protected

2. Experience the presence of God

3. Manifest the fruits of the Holy Spirit

4. Have long life

5. Receive answers to prayers

6. Have assurance of salvation

7. Have faith instead of fear

8. Be blessed

May the Lord of glory, help us to always walk right in Him and be quick to repent when we fall.

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Seek God’s Face

Messages and Revelations from Christ

The Lord spoke to me and said, “Child, you need to spend time with me.”

There is no short cut – the more you spend time with God, the more you will experience His life giving presence. This has consistently worked for me for several years.

Learn how to spend quality time with God in praise, worship, thanksgiving, prayer and reading the word of God and watch your christian life grow!

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Living Love


Living love

Awesome Prince

Everlasting delight of saints

I love the way you love me

You are so gracious and kind

Pure and gentle

Indescribable in love

My heart yields to you

And melts at the wonders of your divine love

You are my first and last hope

My only joy in the land of the shadow of death

In you I see light

In you I see peace

I you I see destiny


You amaze me!

Only you can make me happy

You are a glorious wonder to my soul

And I love you so much

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