Stand Fast



Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage (Galatians 5:1 NKJV)

We are commanded to stand fast in our freedom. We are free but we have to stand and grow in that freedom. We are free from sin and death by the blood of Jesus but we have to cooperate with the finished work on the cross.

Freedom is not a license for sin and evil. Freedom cannot be abused so anyone who believes that he is free must flee every appearance of sin. He must also wait upon the Lord in faith, Bible reading, obedience, prayer, thanksgiving, praise and worship. When we seek the Lord and wait upon Him, especially at midnight, we are cooperating with God in experiencing the freedom that He gave us on the cross.

We cannot live carelessly with sin and prayerlessness and at the same time confess  freedom – that is lack of wisdom. We must confess our freedom and also practice and act out our freedom in the way we walk with God and live.

We must therefore, stand in the freedom of Christ and reject every form of bondage. We must reject sin and afflictions by constant prayer, faith and holiness. God is at the throne of mercy, graciously waiting for us to ask for help.

May we approach His throne of grace constantly so that we can receive mercy, grace and help.

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