Sanctify Your Tongue – Words Have Power

Become God's Untouchable Laura Bon

If you want to get to the highest dimension of God’s glory, learn how to pray the prayer of a righteous man and the prayer of faith. Learn how to defeat those demons that cannot go except through prayer, faith and fasting. Build your faith, be full of the word of God, pray without ceasing and constantly wait upon the Lord to renew your strength. Your birthright and inheritance is for you to walk in the fullness of God’s word, power and glory. You were created to manifest as a son of God and be a light in this world. You were created to shine as a royal prince. God wants you to grow into your kingship. Do not be satisfied with weakness and powerlessness. Rise and fight! Fight for your birthright and inheritance of power and glory. Be that well-trained student of the word of God who is like Christ. Pick up your spiritual garments, weapons, and armor, and go to spiritual battle. stop sleeping! Wake Up! Do not be like the foolish virgins. Be one of the wise virgins that have the lamp of their hearts filled with the oil of God’s presence and burning with the fire of God. May God’s light and glory saturate your whole being, in Jesus name, amen. — Support this podcast:
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Sanctify Your Tongue – Words Have Power

Proverbs 12:18 NKJV There is one who speaks like the piercings of a sword, but the tongue of the wise promotes health.  

Your words can build up, heal, and promote health and your words can cause great damage to someone’s emotions, health, and life. Words can be very toxic and destructive so make sure that your tongue is completely sanctified.  

Proverbs 12 18 says, “There is one who speaks like the piercings of a sword.” It compares destructive words to a sword. They had no guns when the book of proverbs was written. Now words are like guns and bombs. They are causing harm spiritually just like guns and other weapons. Words can give people spiritual and emotional wounds which can manifest as physical illnesses.  

Proverbs 12:18 also says that the tongue promotes health. So, your words can heal. You can use your words to encourage a discouraged person and yourself when you are discouraged. You can use your words to speak calm and peace to a fearful, anxious person. You can use words to lift up the spirit of a depressed person. As you speak, his soul will rise up from the spiritual grave and be clothed with garments of heaven by the Holy Spirit.   Hell has garment and heaven has garments. Always use your words to heal and promote life.

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