Does God Know You By Name?

[ The Promise of God’s Presence ] Then Moses said to the Lord, “See, You say to me, ‘Bring up this people.’ But You have not let me know whom You will send with me. Yet You have said, ‘I know you by name, and you have also found grace in My sight.’ Exodus 33:12

God knows your name but does he know you by name? Do we really know what it means for God to know us by name and for us to find grace in His sight. If only we can strive and pray, putting on the whole armor of God, to get to that place of intimate fellowship and friendship with God. I mean real true genuine friendship, where two people bask in their love and fondness for one another. This friendship incorporates true love that involves, loyalty, commitment, dedication, selflessness and sacrifice. This type of love always strives and hungers to please the beloved regardless of any other thing and above all else.

Moses was a friend of God and God showed Him secrets, defended Him even from His siblings, Aaron and Miriam, and worked miracles and wonders through Him. Moses was described as the meekest and most humble man during His days.

Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth.) Numbers 12:3 NIV

Now the man Moses was very meek, more than all people who were on the face of the earth. Numbers 12:3 ESV

God wants to know us by name and He wants us to find grace in His sight. We are saved by grace and God has given us grace, however grace is in levels. There is a place of all grace. Also, great grace was upon the apostles. If we want to be intimate with God and do great and mighty works we should learn to appreciate the grace of God. Jesus is the grace of God. God wants to decorate us and beautify us with Christ – the word of God and the grace of God.

And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:8

And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all. Acts 4:33

May we yearn and keep praying to get to the place of all grace. There, glory abounds and peace reigns. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ rest upon us, fill us up, surround us, and be with us.

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  • My bitterness has prevented God from blessing me as much as He has wanted to. Hebrews 12:15. Why can not I or you raise the dead or heal the sick? I do not love enough to do those miricales. How about you?

    • laurabon

      I need to crave for more Spiritual gifts by spending more time in the presence of God. It is all about God’s grace and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. For a very long time God has blessed me with the gift of visions, prophesy and revelations but healing the sick and raising the dead requires the power gifts. God instructed me to crave and seek for more spiritual gifts. I believe that every believer can crave for the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

      We need to love and have compassion, however that alone will not bring down His presence. If we add prayer, seeking God’s face and waiting upon Him for His glory without giving up, I believe we will walk in the supernatural and miraculous. He wants us to pay the price. 🙏❤️

      • ytl

        I’ll be blunt: if we are bitter because we don’t see gifts operating in our lives, then we probably have a problem. Perhaps God is trying to tell you, Sonny, something but you haven’t noticed because of a focus on the gifts.

        I find it interesting that in the wording of the “new testament,” it reads that “these gifts followed” the apostles. “Followed” implies ‘behind.’ In other words, the apostles (and others) were focused on being obedient, sharing the gospel, and proclaiming Yeshua (Jesus), and didn’t even focus on the gifts. They may not have even always been aware of when God’s power was at work in that way.

        …just a couple thoughts of mine.
        – Yosef

  • ytl

    Beautifully put!

    Your post reminds me of Matthew 7:21-23, where Yeshua (Jesus) is telling a parable about the end days when people are standing before him. One group is saying that they did all sorts of miracles in his name, but Yeshua’s answer is very profound and deep. He answers, “I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.” (ESV).

    To me, this begs the question of, “how does God come to know us?” I think we should all wrestle a bit with this question, and rejoice in the grace of God that we are known by Him!

    – Yosef

    • laurabon

      Thanks for this very enlightening contribution. Yes, we truly need to wrestle with the question of “how does God know us?” Blessings 🙏❤️

  • Its absolutely true and can be easily achieved if we display true love for God and only ask for HIS blessings or `Kripa’ and nothing else.

    • laurabon

      Thank you so much for the insightful and wise contribution. “It can easily be achieved if we display true love for God and ask for His blessings and nothing more.” With just a few words you have hit the nail on the head – very well expressed. God bless you always. ❤️🙏

  • Betty Jo/ The Journey

    God Bless you!! I’m one of the ((Unlikely)) to ever thought I would be called One of His Daughters. I’m so Grateful and Thankful to let the world know that His Grace is Sufficient. I Thank Him for the gifts He has given me, and I use His gifts and not bury them. I personally have come a long way in my walk. His Grace to me is a Blessing. His been with through my rough and not so rough times as I continue moving forward. One level at a time!! \0/\0/

    • laurabon

      Amen, one level at a time. Thank you so much for this wonderful contribution, beloved sister in Christ. I have also come a long way in this walk of grace and I know that His grace is all I need. It is sufficient. Blessings 🙏❤️

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