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Vision of Buses Taking Believers To Heaven


Visions Revelations and Messages 15

I wrote about spiritual journeys yesterday and last night from midnight to early hours of the morning, as I was worshiping, the Lord began to give me more visions on spiritual journeys. I have noticed that sometimes, it is what I meditate upon that the Lord uses to give me revelations.

Sometimes, He would tell me what to meditate on or pray for. He would say, “meditate about heaven, pray to me to see heaven, or pray to see me.” If I meditate about Him, He would reveal more of Himself. He wants our hearts and minds to delight in Him and think about Him, His ways, words and His works. We should not meditate about demons and demonic activities. They will only create fear, open doors to bad dreams and deplete your aura and spirit.

The Bus With True Believers

In this vision I saw myself running up a platform to enter a waiting train that would leave at any moment. I jumped into the train very happy that I did not miss it. As I strolled down the aisle of this very beautiful train, I struggled to go to the front seat of the train. I wanted to see the scenery very well. The front seats were occupied, so I sat on the row behind the front seat. I gazed out of the window and there were beautiful long buses flying past me.

The Children At The Refreshment Centre

I gazed at the long beautiful buses all flying past my wondering, bewildered eyes – they were all heading to somewhere.They are much more beautiful in size and appearance than the physical buses – they were very long.

They had the number of kilometers of their destinations written on the sides of the exquisite buses. I read and saw that the number of kilometers was so big that I wondered how a bus could travel that distance. In the physical world, it was not possible. That was when I remembered that I was in a vision in the spiritual world.

As I gazed at the number of kilometers, I realized that the buses were headed towards a spiritual destination- heaven. The train stopped, and I found myself on a bus. The bus was a bus that had believers and there were no children on the bus. Some believers had covered their hair with scarves and some did not. They were all dressed modestly. I sat quietly like every other passenger. I liked the look on their faces.

We travelled and got to a stop for rest and refreshments. The place was so beautiful and I found myself in a section of that refreshment center that had many children. I did not know these children physically but I recognized only one child that I know physically. That refreshment center was so big and beautiful with exquisite ultra modern structures better than most structures on earth. I looked out of the window of the refreshment center and saw a glorious modern scenery with water fountains.

The water from the fountain was purple in color, and I immediately thought that we were in heaven, but as I looked around, I realized that we were not in heaven. Heaven is much more glorious and beautiful than that. I looked up at the sky, and the cloud was purple. That was the presence of the Lord.

I knew that to get into heaven, we would have to pierce through those purple clouds to get to the Kingdom above. As I looked at the fountain again, the water changed back to normal water color. It was no longer purple. It seemed that the purple color had come from the purple cloud in the sky.

As I looked, some of the children at the refreshment center where I was, ran to me in excitement. I asked them, “What are you all doing here?” They replied,”we are on our way to heaven.” And as I wondered about them and their words they continued, “All children go to heaven.” They were all little children, so I believe that they were talking about little children. I was talking with three of the children. The children looked out of the window and saw the beautiful scenery and asked, “ Are we already in heaven?” They had become confused because of the lovely sight.

I replied, “no, but we are on our way there.” After a while, it was time for everyone to go back into their buses. Remember that I was in the section that had only children. The children started going through their gate to get to their own buses. I followed them and said to them, “when you get to Heaven, tell Jesus about me. Tell Him to remember my case.”

They said they would. Then I gave my full name to them. One of the children said my middle name and last name and another child said my first name and last name, but I strongly objected and said my full name to them again. I insisted that they must get my full name right and they did. They said the full name and I was glad. “Use my full name when you tell Jesus about me.”

Then they entered their gate and I started entering their gate with them and they asked, “have you forgotten that this gate is for the children’s buses only? You cannot go beyond this point.” I realized that they were right. I could not get into their gate or enter their buses. Then I came out of the vision.

Brethren, we are all on a spiritual journey. We are pilgrims on earth traveling towards Heaven.” We are all also traveling to a place of spiritual maturity, rest and glory even while still on earth. We can dwell in glory and in Heaven even while living on earth. The Kingdom of Heaven is within us. May we never forget that. May God’s grace lead us into His glorious manifest presence.

Visions, Revelations and Messages


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