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No Enchantments, No Divinations


So, I came across a demonic Pastor who tried to cast a spell on me but of course he couldn’t. The Lord usually calls them water Pastors when talking to me, referring to agents of the water kingdom parading themselves as Pastors. Anytime they come across me, they make it their aim to try to get closer to me or entice me to have some sort of fellowship with them in order to perpetuate their evil agenda. Their aim is to destroy or reduce my calling.

Of course I do not respond to them and their efforts to be friends with me. They have been trying their silly and meaningless stunts on me from when I was very young but the Lord has always been my protection, battle axe, weapon and joy.

I see most of the things they do in secret because I am a prophet. The Lord has given me X-ray eyes and has revealed most of their secrets and ways to me and I keep exposing them. The Lord enables me to see their aura and the uncleanness and demons in them. They hate me with a passion but I am not bothered.

They are humans, but principalities, powers and spiritual beasts appeared to me in the past to fight me to try and stop my calling and God defeated them all. I have passed through tough and severe spiritual tests, examinations and trials until the Lord was satisfied and said to me, “you are tested and trusted.” I am not just an Evangelist and a Prophet, I am also an apostle. The Lord Jesus appears to me. He takes me to different Kingdoms to deliver souls and make them born again. Anyone who gets born again in the spiritual world gets born again physically. It is a spiritual work and the battle is won in the spiritual realm so they despise me for that.

So this pastor tried to cast a spell on me but the Lord was faster than him. The Lord neutralized everything before he could even complete it. Then the Lord spoke to me and said, “ no enchantments, no divinations against Israel.”

What they do not realize is that no one can harm us except we permit it. So how do we permit it?

1. Inordinate lust and love for the world, the flesh and money

2. Lack of constant fellowship with God

3. Living outside God’s plan for our lives

4. Not constantly being filled with the Holy Spirit

5. Not living a life of constant thanksgiving, praise and worship for the blood of Jesus that saved us and redeemed us. YES, we are REDEEMED, DELIVERED AND SAVED! We are in the new covenant of grace and mercy and all we need is to walk in it.

6. Not constantly celebrating the Lord of love that gave us amazing love, mercy and grace. Not rejoicing in the Lord always.

7. Choosing sadness over thanksgiving. The truth is that God hates sadness. Sadness is a choice and a lifestyle.

8. Lack of faith in the good news of salvation

9. Not living a life of “pray without ceasing” as commanded by God in the Bible.

10. Despising the blood of Jesus by enjoying a sinful lifestyle

11. Not constantly being led by the Holy Spirit in all things including our prayer lives. Those who are led by the Holy Spirit are the sons of God. They experience the reality of sonship.

12. Not putting on the complete armor of God and the whole counsel of the word of God.

Anyone who lives a lukewarm life in Christ will experience some level of defeat including me and other ministers. God is not a respecter of persons. If we do not respect God, Satan, demons and agents of the devil will not respect us and spells will find a landing ground.

So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. Revelation 3:16

No one can curse whom God has not cursed so if you permit and give the devil a foothold and he gains an upper hand, God will permit some level of defeat so that we can judge ourselves and get back into victory. Defeat is simply a symptom of lukewarmness and a substandard Christian life. It is not meant to be a permanent reality.

With God all things are possible. We are to constantly judge ourselves so that we will not be judged by God and that is the lifestyle that I constantly live. When I make mistakes God corrects me but I keep depending on His grace. I am open to His voice, Spirit and leading, and as I have matured in Christ, I am experiencing greater victories in Christ. However, I am very careful because there in a thin line between victory and defeat, humility and pride. Carelessness can make us fall and no minister is an exception. I cling to His grace constantly and I depend on Him totally so that I will not fall. However, when I fall, I get up again and keep fighting. It is only in heaven that we will no longer fight and struggle not to fall, so I fight! I simply keep fighting!

I fight by living a lifestyle of faith, prayer, praise, thanksgiving, worship, obedience, fortitude, patience, persistence and perseverance.

May great grace be upon us in Jesus name.

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