The Miracles of Jesus 1

We notice in the scripture above that Jesus was preaching the gospel and healing. His focus was the gospel, and he healed.

He was not preaching miracles and then healing. He was preaching goodness, righteousness, mercy, justice, liberty and the Kingdom of God, then He also healed.

He was a healer and is the most amazing healer of all time. He still heals by His Holy Spirit.

He can heal you during fellowship in the quietness of your home and He can heal you through an anointed minister.

Jesus is a miracle man. He said, “a little while you will not see me, then you will see me.”

He came back as the Holy Spirit – The same miracle worker except that you can’t see Him and touch Him physically, however,  you can touch Him by your spirit with faith, worship, prayer and obedience.

Jesus is alive, he is right beside you and in you.

Dare to touch Him by constant fellowship and faith and watch the miracle worker unravel before your eyes.

Dare to touch Him in praise, worship and faith , He heals!


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