Jesus, My Love

I love it most when we are simply enjoying each other’s presence and not asking anything from one another. That is what I love the most.”.png

Visions, Revelations and Messages.

Did you see Netanyahu?

For the past two days I was spending sixteen hours a day on digital painting and art. When I start, I just can’t seem to stop until I finish. This particular painting was really complex and would take about 5 days to complete. I am a qualified accountant so my work involves complex financial forecasts and analysis with financial engineering and mathematics. However, I love to paint, write and produce music. I am still going through a learning curve in the art, writing and music world. I painted from 7am to 10pm for two days, while playing praise and worship. I also do another type of work at night and get just a little sleep. I did not pray and fellowship with the Lord as usual with Bible study, pouring out my heart to Him and singing to Him. I only listened to praise and worship as I painted. Then I developed a bad headache.

I simply took a break and stopped the painting to give my eyes a break from the bright invincible rays coming from my MacBook Pro screen which I believe was causing the head ache.

Then, from 7pm yesterday night, I went into prayer. I knew that all I needed to do was to relax and refresh myself in His presence. I then talked to the Lord and sang praises, thanksgiving, love and worship to the Lord. I apologized to Him for ignoring Him when He had commanded me to spend a lot of time in His presence daily for fresh infilling and glory. I said to Him,

‘Lord, I know it was wrong of me to ignore you and spend so much time on digital painting, Please forgive me.”

I kept fellowshipping, worshipping and praying. After about three hours, the Lord came upon me and I went into a trance. He said to me. “I love you. I love you with the greatest love of all”  This made me very happy. The Lord expresses love so easily. He is never shy. I am shy with love but the Lord has taught me how to be more expressive with Him. He loves tender and sweet names. He continued,

“My love, no amount of pen pressure (His code name for digital painting) is worth my presence, I love it most when we are simply enjoying each other’s presence and not asking anything from one another. That is what I love the most.”

I said to Him, “ Jesus my love. I love it when you come upon me. I love it when you move, I love you.”

He talked to me about future events that would happen in my life.

He showed me the map of an African country and what would happen to it.

He said to me, “Did you see Netanyahu? He is a strong man. He is stronger than eight Western leaders put together. I had read an article with a picture of Netanyahu during the day. After about an hour the Lord came upon me again and continued talking about Netanyahu, He said to me. “I am with Him. “ Wow, I was shocked. But I should not have been shocked. Even though many Israelites are not Christians, God made a covenant with them.

Then, I saw the cloud that represents God’s glory. This time around, it was blue in color. After that, I saw myself up in the sky and I went  into the cloud above that houses a kingdom. The Lord was with me. I was now in the middle of the clouds just like when an airplane is flying in between the clouds. Next thing, I was in a kingdom.

The Kingdom was in the cloud and mixed up with the cloud and part of the cloud was still visible. Then the clouds disappeared and it was just the Kingdom. This kingdom was beautiful. I observed the structure of the buildings, streets, topography, hills, landscape and trees. We were on a street above looking at a street below. It was spectacular. I turned to the person beside me and she is someone I know on earth. She was also staring around her in surprise. I said, “ We are just behaving the way someone from a third world village who just came to America for the first time would behave.” That place looked like earth but the leaves of the trees and the buildings were just more sophisticated.

Then I saw some Reverend Fathers and I also saw people of many races. I saw three old white women and two young black women. They were all wearing white. I wondered what the white signified in that Kingdom. I approached one of the young girls and asked.

“What is the meaning of this white you are wearing?”

She was reluctant to tell me.

Then I called her name and she was surprised that I knew her name. That was when she realized that I was not from her kingdom and was with a higher power than her kingdom.

I said to her. “I am a princess from the Kingdom above the galaxies higher than every other kingdom.” Apostles and Evangelists are Princes and Princesses. Paul was a Prince.

Immediately I said that, she was filled with fear, terror and dread and ran away without answering my question. She was scared that she would go crazy or die.

I noticed that the Kingdom had Palaces.

Then I started looking for someone called Justin and was screaming, Justin!Justin! I saw him somewhere very far away and wanted to meet him but it was a very long walk. I remembered that depending on the degree of anointing upon me, I could make myself speed faster than an airplane and get to my destination. I tried to move very fast but I could not. Then I kept trying and I was able to speed up towards Justin. I was stopped half way by a man holding a sharp knife. He tried to stab me but he could not. I called his name and he was very surprised that I knew his name. I told him that I was from a great kingdom and that he would have died instantly if he had stabbed me.

I came out of the vision.

Towards the early hours of the morning, the Lord showed me a glimpse of Heaven. I saw dazzling, amazing golden buildings and structures that are impossible to describe. The Kingdom we belong to as Christians is simply awesome and indescribable in beauty, magnificence and splendor

I was able to experience the Lord simply by setting aside time to fellowship with Him. Anyone can live constantly in the dazzling glory of the Lord. The Lord has perfected His salvation and given us the Holy Spirit. We are the ones who need to cooperate constantly with Him to experience the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We must desire spiritual gifts.

So many things are hidden but the Lord is showing me these things because I am an end time Prophet. He is working towards the Unification Of The Church and he wants to take back his church that has been hijacked by the queen of heaven. The Lord wants to rescue souls from that kingdom which is part of  the kingdom of darkness and death and translate souls to the Kingdom of light, life and glory.

What I took away from this vision

  1. Spending quality time in the presence of God brings down the glory of God.
  2. There are many kingdoms of this world and the kingdom above the sky in the cloud is one of them.
  3. The Queen of heaven has a kingdom directly above the sky just as she has a kingdom in the water and the seas. The Lord had previously shown me visions about that.
  4. She is the one that goes by many names such as star of the sea, ocean star and queen of heaven. She is a Principality and is notoriously nicknamed and baptized Mary by her fans, followers and worshipers.
  5. God wants to deliver souls from her hands.
  6. God loves fellowship and worship and the best form of worship is to simply love the Lord and spend time with Him without selfishness and expectation. He delights in pure love.

The greatest love of all is Jesus. Jesus is the manifest presence of God. He is the glory of God, the grace of God and the mercy of God. When Jesus comes upon us and moves by His Holy Spirit, we experience the greatest love of all. The greatest love of all is Christ in us the hope of glory.

May we all constantly taste and experience the greatest love of all.

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  • That was quite a vision and experience. Thank you for sharing it. I will ponder and pray about what you’ve shared.

    • laurabon

      Thank you so much for the inspiring response. I am very glad that it ministered to you. Grace and blessings to you always 🙏❤️

  • Thank you for sharing your experience and vision. I was amazed about Netanyahu if not shocked, powerful and stronger than many Western Leaders, but I would not class him as good but destructive. I need to pray on this matter.

    • laurabon

      Yes, I was also shocked. However, I think the Lord is talking about protecting and preserving Israel as a nation. He is with Him to make sure Israel is not annihilated or wiped out. They have had bad experiences in the past. Thank you so much for the encouraging response. Blessings 🙏❤️

  • Betty Jo/ The Journey

    God Bless You Laura Thank you for sharing. ((Hugs)) Agape!! 🙂

  • laurabon

    Thank you so much, my friend. 🙏❤️

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